Kosmos Innovation Center (KIC) in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation, has organised onboarded and organised series of orientation for over 1729 young men and women under the Young Farmer Business Academy Program. KIC introduced the Young Farmer Business Academy (YFBA) to nurture and support the next generation of commercial farmers. This model focuses on training, providing starter pack, agricultural extension support and market access to young people who want to go into primary production. The program ensures that young people receive the necessary skills, knowledge, and resources to thrive in the agricultural sector and adopt innovative agricultural practices. Crop options include maize, cabbage, fonio, onion, cassava, yam, beans, tomatoes, and more. The purpose of introducing this program is to tackle food and nutritional insecurity, youth unemployment, climate change and migration challenges in Ghana.
The orientation program was to provide the participants of the five-to-seven-monthproduction program, information on their respective crop value sector or animal husbandry, as well as the capacity building, hands-on training and mentorship to enable them take active part in sustainable agriculture. Participants were taken through topics such as entrepreneurship, and farming as a business. After the orientation, participants will receive starter packs, support for agricultural inputs and will have the technical support of Agricultural Extension Officers. At the end of their crop production cycle, KIC, working together with their academic institutions and other partners, will provide them with market linkages and offtakes for their produce.
The Young Farmer Business Academy Program adopts an inclusive approach, ensuring engagement with young women, persons with disabilities, and other vulnerable groups. Climate Smart agriculture forms a key component of this program.
The various institutions working with KIC on this youth employment initiative are holding series of community engagements and orientation for young people to onboard them for the program. Some of these institutions include; Ejura Agricultural College and Mechanization Center, OHAWU Agric College, Takoradi Technical University and Ho Technical University.. Other institutions participating in the program are;University for Development Studies (UDS) and University for Energy and Natural Resources (UENR),program, bringing in total, 6 institutions
The various training programs had in attendance farmers, representatives of the Ministry of Food and Agriculture (MOFA), chiefs, community elders, as well as members of Faculty and staff of the participating colleges and universities. In Ejura, the program was attended by the Director of MOFA as well as the Dean of Student Affairs for the college. The training program from OHAWU Agricultural College was attended by participants from three districts namely Ketu North, Akatsi North and Akatsi South. Principal of Ohawu Agricultural College, Mr. Ernest Mawufemor Kwesi Abiew, and the MoFA directorate led by Mr. Lovelace Kudoto. For Takoradi Technical University (TTU), the trainings were organised on a cluster basis for shortlisted applicants from across the Western Region. The event, held across multiple locations, including Ohiamdwen community, Mampong, Kansawrodo, Ahanta Abassa, and Takoradi. Ho Technical University conducted a series of community engagements in Keta, Anloga, Saviefe Gbedome, Amedzofe, Goefe, Kpetsu, Ahunda Boso, Kpodzi, and Ho.
Mr. Benjamin Kesse, Executive Director of Kosmos Innovation Center, highlighted the importance of such initiatives: “At KIC, we believe in equipping young people with the right skills and opportunities to build sustainable agribusinesses. The Young Farmer Business Academy is a testament to our commitment to tackling youth unemployment, food insecurity, and climate change. By investing in the next generation of agripreneurs, we are shaping a future where agriculture drives economic growth and improves livelihoods.”
KIC remains committed to fostering entrepreneurship and strengthening Ghana’s agricultural sector. By implementing YFBA across the country, KIC is ensuring that youth in primary agricultural production receive the necessary support to overcome industry challenges and contribute meaningfully to food security and economic growth. Working in partnership with the Mastercard Foundation under the Initiative for Youth in Agricultural Transformation Program (IYAT), KIC aims to promote employment opportunities for many young people within the agricultural and agri-adjacent sectors.