The School Farm Competition, is an agricultural school challenge project that aims to change the perception of students in both Junior and Senior High Schools about agriculture through learning experiences.

KIC provides schools with inputs in the form of seed and basic farm tools. Students cultivate their own crops on designated school farms. The program was initiated by one of our partners, Blue Skies Foundation. As of 2024, the program is currently being run and managed solely by KIC. 

  • The School Farm Competition is currently present in all 16 regions of the country.
  • In 2024, more than 450 schools participated.
  • In 2025, more than 600 schools are taking part in the competition.

To change the negative perception about agriculture has obtained in Ghana over the past years. To spread the culture of farming among the Ghanaian youth. To encourage students to consider possible career choices along the Agribusiness value chain. To encourage students to develop a positive attitude about food, the environment and entrepreneurialism. To encourage a reformation in the educational system to include compulsory Agricultural courses in first and second cycle schools.

  • Call for Application and selection of schools.
  • Orientation of participating schools and distribution of inputs.
  • School Monitoring visits, impact story telling.
  • Assessment and Selection of award recipients.
  • Award ceremony.

The program is run by KIC Technical Agronomists. A project steering committee and program management committee is also in place.

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